Controller Requeues Count

This metric can be used to track the number of times a controller requeues elements to be processed. Requeueing usually indicates that an error occured and that the controller enqueued the same item to retry processing it a bit later.

Metric Name(s)

  • kyverno_controller_requeue_total

Metric Value

Counter - An only-increasing integer representing the number of items requeued.

Metric Labels

LabelAllowed ValuesDescription
controller_nameController name.
num_requeuesNumber of consecutive requeues for the same item.

Use cases

  • Troubleshoot abnormal conflicts in reconciliation.

Useful Queries

  • Number of requeues per controller in the last hour:
    changes (kyverno_controller_requeue_total[1h])
Last modified May 16, 2023 at 9:40 PM PST: fix: metrics docs (#851) (ea09ee2)